Queens Underground Live, Online, Interactive Film Festival

10-15-2020 1:00 PM - 10-17-2020 11:59 PM

Has your Business ever been in a Film Festival? Wouldn't it be great to watch your Project on the Big Screen? Light, Camera, Action - Your Business Is Now A Star!  Here's your chance to show off what you do but submitting your Business Commercial to the Queens Underground and NY International Arts Festival with Live, Online and Interactive Screenings from October 15th through October 17th.

You will be able to join the fun and watch your Small Business, Large Business or Organizational Commercial air on the large screen along with Movie Shorts, Music, Poetry, Dance and Comedy Videos and Web Series Episodes.  This year, full length Features, Movie Trailers and Movie Posters are added Categories.  

You can also tune into the Finale for the Live Poetry Slam on October 16th with a few amazing Feature Poets and Judges.  


SUBMISSIONS are Open through mid-September, but it's always best to take advantage of the Early Bird Fees. 

http://FilmFreeway.com/NYInternationalArtsFestival  and/or   http://Filmfreeway.com/QueensUndergroundInternationalFilmFestival

Don't have an under 2-minute Business Commercial yet?  Well, you have plenty of time to create one yourself or to have one made inexpensively.  After the Festival, you'll be able to upload Your Business Commercial to your Website, Social Media-including Youtube, IG, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), Press Release and on other promotional sites. Best of all, you can also have Your Business Commercial air on our Internet TV Channel alongside other programming including: Talk Shows, Online Classes, Interviews, Movies, Videos and Live Events.  But, first, it all begins with having a Commercial for Your Business highlighting the best of who you are, what you do, and why Customers should find and support you.  


All Types Of Businesses Are Welcome!  Product, Service, Eateries, Online, Mobile & Virtual.  Every Industry Should Submit A Business Commercial to support your meeting new Potential Customers From Everywhere. These days, Social Media has proven how Visual and Responsive To Music and Special Offers Consumers are across the board.  Need a Concept, Theme Song and/or Commercial - as an Arts Organization, we can help with that too, feel free to email: QueensUnderground718@gmail.com


Follow Us On Instagram: @NYInternationalArtsFestival    and     @FilmFestivalsQueensUnderground


Why Not Become One Of Our Valued Sponsors with the chance to become a Judge for a Category!?: http://www.queensunderground718.com/sponsor-deck.html


Queens Underground & NY Int'l Arts Festival Loves Business Commercials!
Queens Underground and NY International Arts Festival Presents Live, Online and Interactive October Festival with a Category for: BUSINESS COMMERCIALS 


Venue Name
Venue Address
Online at the CulturalTVNetwork.com Or From QueensUnderground718.com